时间:2022-06-15 22:00:43
求大神翻译一句金融方面的英语!顺便粗略解释一下?交易 - 备用信用证财政货币化程序Transaction - 交易SBLC - Standby Letter of Credit, 备用信用证Financial - 财政Monetizatio
交易 - 备用信用证财政货币化程序
Transaction - 交易
SBLC - Standby Letter of Credit, 备用信用证
Financial - 财政
Monetization - 货币化
Procedure - 程序追问: 这段话能用金融方面的知识粗略的解释一下吗 追答: If you have a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), which is a bank instrument, a bank helps you to monetize it assuming that it meets the proper requirements. Bank Instrument monetization is the process of liquidating bank instruments and converting them into legal tender. In order to monetize a bank instrument, you must be in possession of the instrument and it must be paid for prior to attempting to monetize the instrument.
Transaction - 交易
SBLC - Standby Letter of Credit, 备用信用证
Financial - 财政
Monetization - 货币化
Procedure - 程序追问: 这段话能用金融方面的知识粗略的解释一下吗 追答: If you have a Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), which is a bank instrument, a bank helps you to monetize it assuming that it meets the proper requirements. Bank Instrument monetization is the process of liquidating bank instruments and converting them into legal tender. In order to monetize a bank instrument, you must be in possession of the instrument and it must be paid for prior to attempting to monetize the instrument.
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